JAKARTA - Colombia's attorney general's office has issued an arrest warrant against rebel leaders of the National Liberation Army (ELN).

The increase in violence over the past week in the Catarumbo region along the eastern border with Venezuela which is considered strategic for drug trafficking has led to President Gustavo Petro's attempt to end the six-decade war becoming Colombia's most severe humanitarian disaster crisis in recent years.

As reported by Reuters on Wednesday, January 22, Petro, which promised a peace deal and surrender to stop the conflict that has killed 450,000 people, postponed talks with ELN on Friday last week.

The delay was related to attacks on fellow rebel groups, demobilizing former fighters and civil society leaders.

The Attorney General's Office said it had withdrawn the benefits of a suspended arrest warrant for 31 representatives (ELN) who had been recognized by the national government as a spokesman in negotiations.

ELN rebels said their attack was aimed at a former FARC rebel faction, which rejected the 2016 peace agreement but is currently in talks with the government. ELN denies attacking civilians.

Crisis di Catarumbo terus berlanjut. Kami memiliki informasi tentang 32,000 pengungsi, kata Ombudsman hak asasi manusia Iris Marin.

Authorities said over the weekend 80 people were killed. Marin said on Tuesday 35 bodies had been found and the armed forces resumed evacuation measures.

Security sources said ELN used peace negotiations with the Petro government to strengthen itself militarily and expand its territory.

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