JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Bima Arya Sugiarto said that around 270 elected regional heads from the 2024 simultaneous regional elections are planned to be inaugurated by President Prabowo Subianto at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on February 6.

Bima explained that the regional head who was inaugurated on February 6 was part of the first inauguration of regional heads whose election results were not disputed or were not sued by the Constitutional Court (MK).

"God willing, Pak Prabowo will inaugurate in accordance with Law Number 10 of 2016 Article 164 B," said the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 22.

Law Number 10 of 2016 is the legal basis governing the election of governors, regents, and mayors.

The pair of governors and deputy governors of Jakarta who were elected in the 2024 Pilkada, namely Pramono Anung and Rano Karno, will also be appointed by President Prabowo.

The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs said that the inauguration of regional heads is likely to last three or three terms.

"There may be three, the second one will be (for the regional head, ed.) whose lawsuit is rejected or dismissal, the third one whose lawsuit is accepted for then the order to re-cash or re-vote," said Bima.

The inauguration schedule for two groups of regional heads whose election results are still in dispute are in accordance with the results of the Constitutional Court trial or the results of the re-election.

"So, the important thing is the first wave first. The next wave adjusts to the trial at the Constitutional Court when it will be completed," continued the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

Bima conveyed that the inauguration schedule that had been agreed upon by the government and the DPR had also been reported by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian to President Prabowo during a cabinet meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

"The Minister of Home Affairs has reported to the President. The President responded well. It was reported that this had been unanimously approved in the DPR," said Bima Arya.

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