Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar asked Indonesian pilgrims to prepare physical conditions and study manasik ahead of departure to the Holy Land which is only four months away.
"So that pilgrims can prepare physical conditions to adapt to the environment in Saudi Arabia. The change in weather is a challenge for themselves in the implementation of the pilgrimage," said the Minister of Religion upon arrival in the country, Thursday, January 16, as reported by ANTARA.
During the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage, extreme weather became a challenge for the congregation. The temperature in Medina and Makkah could reach 38 degrees and even touched 42 degrees.
Therefore, it takes excellent physical condition so that the entire process of the series of Hajj services can be carried out safely and smoothly.
In addition to preparing physically, another important thing is the manasik hajj. In an effort to increase the understanding of pilgrims, the Minister of Religion stated that the government had updated the hajj rituals.
"God willing, we will improve the rituals of Hajj by adding philosophical, tasawuf, and fiqh values, as well as technical information that pilgrims need to remember. Thus, this year's Hajj is expected to produce a large pilgrimage," he said.
The Minister of Religion also emphasized the importance of complying with the directions of Hajj officers, especially related to luggage.
"I ask the congregation to follow the advice of the Hajj officers, especially regarding luggage. Focus on your intention only to worship, not for other things," he said.
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