Bandung City Police (Polresta) carried out an exhumation or digging graves to remove the body of a man with the initials UK (60) who is suspected of being a victim of murder in Maruyung Village, Bandung Regency, West Java.

Pacet Police Chief AKP Hendri Noki revealed that the body with the initials UK was found in his house with a head wound on Tuesday (28/1).

"Ekshumasi dilakukan dengan beberapa anggota polisi, koramil, dan pemerintah daerah. Kami menurunkan sebanyak 40 personel," kata Kapolsek Pacet dilansir ANTARA, Kamis, 30 Januari.

AKP Hendri said the implementation of the exhumation by the Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis) of the Bandung Police was accompanied by the West Java Police for Medicine and Health.

The Pacet police chief explained that his party was conducting an exhumation because the police found irregularities in the victim's death.

The dismantling of the tomb was carried out for an autopsy to investigate the cause of death, including allegations of a criminal act.

"This exhumation was after we from the police felt that there were irregularities after meeting the corpse some time ago. Therefore, we carried out an exhumation so that the motive and what the perpetrator did to the victim was found out," he said.

Previously, the Bandung Police evacuated a man who had died in a suspicious condition with a head wound.

Receiving the report, he said, the Bandung Police Identification Unit came to the location and conducted a crime scene investigation.

"Our members went straight to the incident to conduct a crime scene investigation and collect evidence," he said.

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