Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment (Menko PM) Muhaimin Iskandar is optimistic that local farmers will be able to help the government realize the national food self-sufficiency target.
"We are optimistic that Indonesia will overcome all of our agricultural self-sufficiency to realize food, energy and economic independence," he said during a visit to the PG Gempolkerep Partner Farmers' Garden in Mojokerto, East Java, Thursday, January 16.
Therefore, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture who is familiarly called Cak Imin emphasized that farmers must get convenience in developing their productivity.
Cak Imin said that currently there are still facts that many farmers, including sugarcane farmers, have limitations ranging from access to funding, land productivity, to regeneration problems.
He ensured that limited access to funding for farmers would be a point of concentration for the government so that they could be more productive.
He said the government was trying to increase the ceiling of micro-farm People's Business Credit (KUR), which is now only a maximum of IDR 500 million.
"The financing that has been owned by Rp. 500 million is trying to continue to be improved," he said.
In addition, the government also supports the efforts of various parties in incubating agripreneur in the sugarcane sector through various innovations and new ways of working.
According to him, this effort will be able to revive the sugar consumption industry, especially fostering the welfare and progress of farmers.
One of the tobacco industry incubator efforts was carried out by PT Sinergi Sugar Nusantara (SGN), namely establishing a mini estate entrepreneur for young sugar cane farmers as the next candidates for sugarcane farmers and the development of sugarcane cane land.
President Director (Managing Director) SGN Mahmudi said that by the end of December three batches of selection for Agripreneur Tebu program participants had been carried out for placement in Sragen, Madiun and Kediri areas.
"Currently, a boostcamp for training and assistance is being carried out to 50 participants," he said.
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