JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared 31 security posts along with the ban on going home on May 6-17. Reported by the police, Sunday, April 18, Kombes Pol Sambodo Purnomo Yogo explained that the 31 security post points consist of 14 isolation points and 17 check points. One of the insulating points is located at the Siphon Cibeet Bridge, Bekasi, West Java, which is considered a "mouse lane" connecting Bekasi Regency to Karawang. " "Rat lane" to go to Karawang. Later after from Karawang it can go to West Java, Central Java and so on, "said Sambodo. Apart from the Siphon Cibeet Bridge, Polda Metro has also reviewed the West Cikarang Toll Gate. Vehicles passing through the toll gate will be reversed back to Jakarta after the homecoming ban is implemented. Other blocks include Kedungwaringin, Bekasi, which is the main non-toll arterial route from Bekasi to the direction of Karawang. The police will also close the toll gates to Cikampek, including Cikampek Layang (elevated).

Sambodo emphasized that the homecoming prohibition applies to all types of vehicles, both private, illegal travel, to motorbike travelers who pass through the mouse lane. Only motorists who have an entry and exit permit (SIKM) can pass through the security post. "Later there will be a post. We will check everything that passes, if they do not have SIKM, we will turn back," said Sambodo. The government officially prohibits the public from carrying out Lebaran 2021 homecoming. The prohibition is stated in the Circular (SE) of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of Homecoming in the Month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1442 Hijriah during May 6-17, 2021.

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