JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (KP2MI), the European Union (EU), and The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) strengthen synergies in increasing instructor capacity to provide protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from violent extremism or the dangers of terrorism.

"Protective efforts require strong synergy, we need coordinated steps in the context of preventing and protecting PMI from the dangers of terrorism. One of the efforts is to increase the capacity of instructors," said Head of BNPT Komjen Pol. Eddy Hartono when confirmed in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 15, was confiscated by Antara.

In the European-Indonesian Union Training Activities in Jakarta on January 13, BNPT said that as of January 9, 2025, 118 PMIs had been deported or detained for alleged involvement in terrorist activities.

In the training, Minister of P2MI Abdul Kadir Karding explained that one of the factors in PMI's vulnerability was involved in the network of violent extremism, namely geopolitical changes in the countries they work for.

Therefore, he hopes that instructors will be able to be at the forefront of providing understanding so that PMI is not exposed.

"Instructions must be at the forefront of providing a good understanding before they go abroad, they must be given an understanding of the modes, history, and patterns that are commonly used by the network," said Abdul on the same occasion.

Meanwhile, senior Research Fellow at RUSI Europe Joana de Deus Pereira also added that there are many factors of PMI vulnerability, two of which are economic aspects and lack of support from their families or communities.

In this case, he said, instructors must be a reminder in carrying out initial interventions.

"The PMI's vulnerability factor is often the reason they are involved in the structure of violent extremism, so instructors must act as reminders and intervene early to prevent these individuals from being exposed to extremism," said Joana.

The Political Advisor of the European Union's Delegation for Indonesia and Brunei Anneleen Van Landeghem conveyed the European Union's commitment to support strengthening Indonesia's capacity in creating security and balancing preventive measures with respect to human rights.

"We are committed to supporting the strengthening of Indonesia's capacity in creating long-term security and stability," said Anneleen.

Thus, he assessed that the training held reflected an understanding of the importance of balancing preventive measures with respect for human rights.

The European-Indonesian Union Training Activities on the Prevention and Control of Violent Extremism for the Pre-Departure Orientation Of PMI Candidates will last five days, since January 13, 2025.

The training was attended by 81 PMI Pre-Departure Orientation Officers (OPP). This activity is also one of the follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding between BNPT and KP2MI in 2023.

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