TASIKMALAYA The Tasikmalaya Police continue to investigate the alleged immoral case committed by an adult man against a boy in Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java.

The investigation was carried out to reveal the possibility of other victims so that the handling of cases can be carried out thoroughly and appropriately.

"We continue to explore the possibility of other victims," said Head of the Tasikmalaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Ridwan Budirta, quoted by ANTARA Wednesday, January 15.

The police have named Supriadi (44), a grocery store business actor, as a suspect in this case. Based on the results of the examination and witness testimony, the suspect admitted that he had committed immoral acts against two teenagers in the neighborhood where he lived.

According to AKP Ridwan, the suspect used the mode of providing free internet facilities to children around his house. The internet access is then used to seduce victims who commit inappropriate actions.

"The suspect admitted to carrying out his actions on the terrace of the prayer room in his home environment. He stated that he had been doing that since a few months ago," said Ridwan.

The suspect also revealed that he was once a victim of similar abuse when he was a student. However, the case was not reported to his family and he did not receive psychological recovery.

"The suspect became a victim several years ago. Because he did not get a recovery or treatment, he finally became the perpetrator," added Ridwan.

The police appealed to people who feel they are victims or aware of other victims to report immediately. This step is not only for law enforcement, but also for victims to receive the necessary psychological recovery.

"If someone becomes a victim, please report it. Don't be afraid. We will help carry out psychological recovery so that the victim does not repeat a similar incident or even become a perpetrator in the future," said Ridwan.

Currently, Supriadi is languishing in the Tasikmalaya Police Detention Center for further legal proceedings. He was charged with Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

This case was uncovered after the parents of one of the victims felt suspicious of changes in their child's behavior. After receiving information about the suspect's actions, the victim's parents reported it to the police.

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