JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) of the Republic of Indonesia Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin reviewed the operation at Taruna Nusantara High School located in Pagak District, Malang Regency, East Java, Tuesday, January 14.
The Principal of Taruna Nusantara High School, Brigadier General Mahbub Junaedi, said the arrival of Defense Minister Sjafrie was to ensure infrastructure readiness in supporting the teaching and learning process.
"He (Menhan) aims to ensure that the infrastructure here (SMA Taruna Nusantara) is ready, especially for learning for students and teachers," said Mahbub in Malang, East Java, Tuesday, January 14, as quoted by Antara.
While at Taruna Nusantara High School, in Malang Regency, Sjafrie arrived at the school at around 09.47 WIB. The arrival of the Minister of Defense was greeted directly by local officials and the TNI.
Arriving at that location, the Minister of Defense who was also accompanied by the Regent of Malang M Sanusi immediately went into the main lobby of the building and then reviewed every school building under the auspices of the Taman Taruna Nusantara Institute (LPTTN).
The Minister of Transportation explained that the Minister of Defense also paid attention to efforts to meet all the needs of students, teachers and officials at the Taruna Nusantara High School.
"He is happy, the emphasis was the most urgent means for student learning needs that were recorded and hopefully realized, like the guard post in front, clinic, swimming pool, including pamong housing," he said.
In addition, he said that the total number of students at Taruna Nusantara High School, in Malang Regency, reached 240 people.
Then, he said, hundreds of students were divided into 10 different classes in each teaching and learning process.
"So each class is 24 students. It can be seen that teaching and learning activities are already running," he said.
He also hopes that the process of developing teaching and learning facilities in the future can run smoothly. This is because, from the total land area of around 29.6 hectares, currently construction has only been carried out on a land area of nine hectares.
"There is nothing (it is) force major that hinders it. God willing, it will be in the middle of the year and no later than the end of this year we can complete the second and third grade facilities," he said.
In the same place, LPTTN Secretary Priscilla Waworuntu said that in addition to teaching and learning needs, Defense Minister Sjafrie paid attention to the availability of facilities for teachers and officials at Taruna Nusantara High School.
"The Minister of Defense's most important thing to ask is how the accommodation is, so the welfare of all employees," he said.
It is hoped that the existence of these schools will be able to produce superior human resources (HR) to bring progress to Indonesia's future development.
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