JAKARTA - The general chairman of the PKB National Awakening Party (PKB), Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, has no problem with the attitude of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) which is likely to join the Prabowo-Gibran government. Because, most importantly, it has an important role to play in building Indonesia.
"The most important thing is to give productive roles," said Cak Imin to reporters at TMPN Jakarta, Saturday, January 11.
Although Cak Imin said that he did not have the capacity to comment on this matter, the more parties who helped the government would certainly have a positive impact.
If PDIP later joins, then, it can strengthen political stability and government in Indonesia. This is because collaboration is very much needed at this time.
"The more people who work together, today the most important politics is collaboration, productivity, and helping the whole community to get their rights," said Cak Imin.
Previously, the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, stated that she was still carefully considering the suggestions of a number of parties for PDIP to join the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus.
"Many say, join there. So, what did you get?" said Megawati when she was the mainnote speaker at the launch and book discussion entitled 2024 Presidential Election: Between Law, Ethics, and Psychological Considerations in Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.
Megawati emphasized that the decision to join KIM would not be taken in a hurry. He considered various aspects, including possible compensation in the form of ministerial seats or other strategic positions in the Prabowo-Gibran government.
The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia even joked, imagining that if PDIP joins, his party will only get one ministerial seat and the position is likely not strategic.
"Later, someone will say, he came later, only one (ministerial government), it can't be two or three. He's been looking for the worst," Megawati said jokingly.
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