JAKARTA - Polisi mengungkap kasus pencurian 11 karung bawang putih di Pasar Mandalika dengan menetapkan dua orang sebagai tersangka.

"Salah satu dari pelaku merupakan residivis inisial JA (25). Sudah masuk penjara dua kali. JA inilah aktor utamanya, baru keluar lapas kurang lebih satu bulan. Kemudian melakukan lagi perbuatan pencurian," kata Kepala Kepolisian Sektor Sandubaya Kompol Imam Maladi di Mataram, Rabu 8 Januari, disitat Antara.

Selain AJ, pelaku yang juga sudah berstatus tersangka ini berinisial GR (21). Imam mengatakan keduanya berasal dari Bertais, Kota Mataram, yang masih satu kelurahan dengan Pasar Mandalika.

Aksi kedua tersangka ini terungkap dari rekaman CCTV yang terpasang di kios milik korban. Aksi tersebut berlangsung pada Jumat 3 Januari malam.

"Dari penelusuran CCTV, keduanya kami tangkap di rumahnya masing-masing," ujarnya.

Dalam rekaman CCTV, kedua pelaku terpantau masuk ke kios korban melalui pintu belakang. Saat beraksi, pelaku juga terekam merusak kamera CCTV. Beruntung, rekaman CCTV itu masih tersimpan dan menjadi dasar kepolisian menelusuri identitas kedua pelaku.

Terkait barang bukti hasil pencurian, Imam mengatakan bahwa kedua pelaku telah menjualnya dengan harga Rp4,1 juta. Hasil penjualan sudah dibagi dua.

"Pengakuan tersangka, uang hasil jual barang bukti sudah habis untuk judi online slot," ucap dia.

Dari pengakuan korban, kerugian akibat aksi pencurian ini mencapai Rp6,7 juta dengan berat per karung bawang putih 20 kilogram.

Lebih lanjut, Imam mengatakan bahwa proses hukum kedua pelaku kini tengah berjalan di tahap penyidikan.

Penyidik menetapkan kedua pelaku sebagai tersangka dengan menerapkan Pasal 363 ayat (1) ke-4 dan ke-5 KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman 7 tahun penjara.

JAKARTA - The police uncovered the theft of 11 sacks of garlic at the Mandalika Market by naming two suspects.

"One of the perpetrators is a recidivist with the initials JA (25). He has been in prison twice. JA is the main actor, only one month out of prison. Then he committed another theft," said Sandubaya Sector Police Chief Kompol Imam Maladi in Mataram, Wednesday, January 8, confiscated by Antara.

Apart from AJ, the perpetrator who is also a suspect has the initials GR (21). Imam said the two came from Bertais, Mataram City, which is still one kelurahan with Pasar Mandalika.

The actions of the two suspects were revealed from CCTV footage installed at the victim's kiosk. The action took place on Friday night January 3.

"From the CCTV search, we arrested both of them in their respective homes," he said.

In the CCTV footage, the two perpetrators were observed entering the victim's stall through the back door. During the action, the perpetrator was also caught destroying the CCTV camera. Luckily, the CCTV footage was still stored and became the basis for the police to trace the identities of the two perpetrators.

Regarding the evidence of the theft, Imam said that the two perpetrators had sold it at a price of Rp. 4.1 million. The proceeds from the sale have been divided into two.

"The suspect's confession, the money from the sale of evidence has run out for online slot gambling," he said.

From the victim's confession, the loss due to this theft reached Rp. 6.7 million with a weight per sack of garlic of 20 kilograms.

Furthermore, Imam said that the legal process for the two perpetrators is currently underway at the investigation stage.

Investigators named the two perpetrators as suspects by applying Article 363 paragraph (1) 4 and 5 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison.

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