JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan admitted that 99 percent of the food needs of the people of the capital city are supplied from outside the region.

While visiting the rice harvest in Cilacap, Central Java, Anies expressed his gratitude for the BUMD Food Station to be able to cooperate with the rice producer Gapoktan Sumber Makmur in procuring rice needs in Jakarta.

"This collaboration is a multi-faceted effort, for us in Jakarta 99 percent of food needs are supplied from outside and we have a very high dependency and Jakarta is grateful to be able to work together with Cilacap to prepare food security for residents in the capital," said Anies in Cilacap, Friday , April 16th.

Anies said, this joint harvest activity was a collaboration between regions. The Cilacap Regency Government and Sumber Makmur Gapoktan have a role in preparing land and farmer procurement, while the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the Food Station provides various assistance to farmers and off takers of agricultural products.

Anies believes that this collaboration will mutually benefit economic movements in the two regions. This is because, according to him, the rice needs of Jakarta residents will be maintained, and farmers in Cilacap can improve their welfare.

"We hope that the economic movement in Jakarta is felt as a benefit in various regions through this cooperation, one of which is the rice harvest to meet the needs of residents in Jakarta. In the end, we hope that there will be an atmosphere of social justice, which is to make the people of Jakarta have affordable rice prices, and most importantly the farmers in Cilacap feel an increase in welfare, "explained Anies.

It is known, the collaboration between Food Station and Gapoktan Sumber Makmur Cilacap is a form of collaboration initiated in 2018 with a rice field area of 250 hectares; in 2019 it will increase to an area of 500 hectares; in 2020 an area of 850 hectares; and the target of cooperation in 2021 covering an area of 1,000 hectares.

With an average productivity of 5.7 tonnes / hectare and a potential yield of 5,700 tonnes of Harvested Dried Grain (GKP) or 2,964 tonnes of rice with Ciherang, Metik Wangi, and Emerging Varieties.

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