JAKARTA - A pair of lovers became victims of the beating of a illegal parking attendant (jukir) on Jalan Thamrin Boulevard, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta.

The victim was persecuted for a trivial matter, namely not giving the perpetrator a parking fee of IDR 2,000.

According to Fitri's statement, an eye witness to the incident, he learned of the molestation after one of the female victims screamed for help.

"When the girl asked for help, just look forward there. It's been hit," Fitri told reporters, Monday, January 6.

The victim, a young man, was unable to fight the perpetrator and allowed the perpetrator to beat himself to a pulp. Meanwhile, the victim's lover made a video of the violence.

Although he did not fight back, the wild jukir continued to beat the victim in front of his girlfriend. Even the victim's lover million were also hit by the perpetrator.

"It's funny to ask for help to scream. With the parking attendant, the guy was hit. I thought zeroing it so I got hit by both of them," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's lover recorded the abuse while screaming for help.

"The problem is because the victim was asked for parking money but did not want to pay. But he didn't have to pay there," he said.

After molesting a couple, the perpetrator then fled the scene. Meanwhile, the victim reported the incident to the Tanah Abang Metro Police. The case is handled by the Tanah Abang Metro Police.

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