TANGERANG - The shooting took place at the KM 45 rest area of the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Tangerang Regency on Thursday, January 2, at 04.30 WIB. As a result, one person was declared dead.
The Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police, Ipda Purbawa, said that there were two victims in the incident. However, one of them was declared dead and the rest are still being treated intensively.
The victim died shot in the chest. The living was shot in the shoulder," Purbawa said when confirmed, Thursday, January 2.
When asked chronologically, Purbawa admitted that he could not convey it because it was still under investigation.
"There is still a series of investigations to reveal. After the incident, after reports of a shooting incident, the Police Chief, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit immediately jumped in to check the crime scene," he concluded
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