JAKARTA - Minister of Population and Family Development or Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Wihaji visited underprivileged families in the Rejosari Hamlet area, Terong Village, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).
"Today I visited the DIY province, coincidentally there are three places, one of which is in Dlingo Bantul. This is a part that of course the state must attend," said Minister Wihaji accompanied by Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih during a visit to the house of Mrs. Sumini RT 02 Rejosari, Terong, Bantul, Thursday, January 2, confiscated by Antara.
Sumini, who was left by her husband who died, is one of the underprivileged families who has to support five children, with two children including hydrocephalus disease with a large head physical condition.
Minister Wihaji said that in overcoming this problem, cooperation from various parties or pentahelik collaborations, including the central government, is needed through the Ministry of Population and Family Development and local governments through the Health Office.
"This cannot be done alone, so the pentahelik of cooperation between all parties, including the central government and districts through the Health Office, the principle is that there are our citizens with special needs, so that today we do one, we are present," he said.
He said the next effort was to ensure what steps the state could provide to citizens, of course, the third hoped that there would be another generation that the government would pay attention to for future family development.
"Residential and family development, including all matters from prospective brides to the elderly, we take care of this, this is part of the nutritional and educational needs of the family," he said.
He also advised all people to be careful about what can be a disease, one of which is experienced by this family which according to the doctor's statement is due to cat droppings.
"For me, of course, what is the cause of attention, and this is an education for people throughout Indonesia, especially to be careful, so that it will not happen again," he said.
Minister Wihaji together with local governments are also committed to always being present in the community in the context of family development, and providing solutions to problems experienced by families, especially so that families are prosperous and nutritionally satisfied.
"In principle, and later follow-up according to the possibilities that we will be able to do, of course in the short term ensure that we get some of the needed sources, including daily food and maybe nutritional intake and so on," he said.
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