Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Menko Polkam) Budi Gunawan said President Prabowo Subianto had ordered Attorney General ST Burhanuddin to follow up on the light verdicts of Harvey Moeis and Helena Lim in the alleged tin corruption case which caused state losses of Rp. 300 trillion.

The order is for the public prosecutor (JPU) to file an appeal regarding the first instance court decision.

"This version given is considered unfair, it does not fulfill the public's sense of justice. So, the President has also ordered the Attorney General to appeal the verdict," Budi Gunawan told reporters, Thursday, January 2.

Not only that, it was also stated that the Judicial Commission or KY had intervened regarding the polemic of Havey Moeis' light sentence.

The team from KY will investigate the alleged violation of the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Judges (KEPPH) behind the decision.

"KY is also conducting an in-depth investigation related to the possibility of a violation of the code of ethics or other violations, which are carried out by the parties, in this case, of course, judges," said Budi Gunawan.

In the case of alleged tin corruption, Harvey Moeis and Helena Lim were found guilty. They were sentenced to different sentences.

For Harvey Moeis, he was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. While Helena Lim for 5 years.

The second sentence was lighter than the prosecutor's demands. Because, at the previous trial, the prosecutor charged Harvey Moeis with imprisonment for 12 years. Meanwhile, Helena Lim is known to be sentenced to 8 years.

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