TANGERANG A family in Karawaci, Tangerang was injured as a result of being abused by two men from his own neighbor, Tuesday, December 31, at 23.45 WIB.
"We received a report regarding the alleged abuse carried out by RC and SB. The victims were men with the initials CUS, MYB and MOB. The report was received on Wednesday, January 1 (yesterday)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi in his report, Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Ade Ary explained that the incident began when the victim was about to light fireworks to welcome the New Year 2025.
However, the perpetrator felt not moderate until finally there was an argument. Then the two perpetrators allegedly ganged up on the victims until they were injured.
MyB victim suffered injuries to his right and left hands. (Meanwhile) MOB was pushed to the floor and felt pain in his neck and tailbone. Cus suffered a wound to his right hand," he said.
The MYB incident reported its neighbor to the Tangerang City Metro Police for further action.
Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Karawaci Police, Iptu Hendri, said the case was handled by the Tangerang City Metro Police.
"(Taking care of) the Tangerang City Metro Police," he said.
The VOI team tried the Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Metro Police, Kompol Aryono. However, until the news was broadcast, the person concerned had not yet responded.
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