JAKARTA The Constitutional Court (MK) has received 314 requests for dispute over the results of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). The inaugural trial to hear the dispute over General Election Results (PHPU) of regional heads is scheduled to start on January 8, 2025.
"The data on the PHPU application for regional heads so far has a total of 314 applications," said the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Suhartoyo, in a special plenary session held at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Suhartoyo detailed, out of a total of 314 cases, there were 242 requests for election disputes for regents (pilbup), 49 requests for election disputes for mayors (pilwalkots), and 23 requests for governor election disputes (pilgub).
He also said that the Constitutional Court had prepared various steps to support the process of resolving the 2024 Pilkada dispute, including updating regulations and improving governance.
"The Constitutional Court has carried out legal guidance for the event of dispute over the results of the general election of regional heads to all regional election stakeholders simultaneously. In addition, we have also formed a task force, organized workshops, and modernized trial facilities," Suhartoyo explained.
He added that other preparations include the development of MK building facilities and infrastructure to support the smooth running of the trial. "With this step, we hope to resolve the 2024 Pilkada dispute effectively and fairly," he concluded.
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