PeKANBARU - Toyota Calya minibus driver Antoni Romansyah (44) was named a suspect and detained by the Pekanbaru Traffic Police Unit. He was named a suspect after crashing and killing a family who was riding a motorcycle on Jalan Hang Tuah Ujung, Tenayan Raya District, on Wednesday January 1.
Pekanbaru Police Chief Kombes Jeki Rahmat Mustika said that due to the negligence of the perpetrator, a family of three people died when they were hit by a car driven by the perpetrator.
The dead victims were Anton Sujarwo (38), Aditia Aprilio Anjani (10), and Afrianti (42). "The three of them were riding together and were hit by a suspect who suddenly went wide to the right. He was driving under the influence of drugs," said Kombes Jeki in his statement, Thursday, January 2.
Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, the suspect was driving a car at high speed. Arriving at the scene, the car suddenly went wide and hit the victim. In addition to hitting the victim, the Toyota Calya car with police number F 1817 VI also hit a Honda Scoopy motorcycle which caused two people to be injured.
"He was driving a car at a speed of 80 kilometers and above because he was influenced by alcohol in an unconscious state so that the person concerned was fighting a bull with the victim," said Kombes Jeki.
Two of the victim's colleagues, Lidiawati Putri (25) and Deni (30) are still under intensive police investigation.
"Our suspect is trapped in Article 311 paragraph (5) and Article 310 paragraph (4) of Law Number 22 of 2009 with a penalty of 12 years in prison," Jeki concluded in connection with a family who was killed when he was hit in Pekanbaru.
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