JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police (Polda) have named 101 suspects in the illegal drilling case or illegal oil drilling in the local area throughout 2024. The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Senior Commissioner Mulia Prianto in Jambi, Tuesday, said the hundreds of suspects were determined from the disclosure of 66 cases handled by the Jambi Police.

From this case, the Jambi Police confiscated 98,917 liters of petroleum and processed oil, 12,688 liters of subsidized diesel oil, 11,623 liters of pertalite, ten trucks, three tank trucks, 16 minibus units, 10 pickup units, 24 motorcycles, and cash worth Rp33.5 million.

Illegal drilling cases handled by the Jambi Regional Police in 2024 decreased compared to 2023. In the previous year the number of cases was 82 cases. Dirreskrimsus Polda Jambi Kombes Pol Bambang Yugo Pamungkas said his party would strengthen the supervision and prosecution of illegal activities that were detrimental to this.

"We always carry out patrol activities, we hope that the public will be more aware not to carry out this illegal activity because it is dangerous," he said.

His party also made preventive efforts to invite the public not to commit violations because the Jambi Regional Police ensured that they were ready to take action against all illegal drilling activities. The latest action is that the Jambi Police will regulate oil wells without permission in Jebak Village, Batanghari on December 25, 2024.

Bambang emphasized that this control is an effort to reduce the dangers of environmental damage. In addition, preventing a fire that then claimed lives.

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