NORTH SUMATRA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that the flash floods that hit two sub-districts in North Tapanuli, North Sumatra, resulted in 500 people displaced.
Head of BPBD North Tapanuli Regency Bonggas Freddy Pasaribu said the flash flood that occurred on Sunday, December 29, hit Pahae Jae District and Sitas Barita District.
"There are two sub-districts that were affected by the flash flood. Meanwhile, there are 500 people who have fled from Pahae Jae sub-district. Meanwhile, the Siatas Barita sub-district is still collecting data," said Bonggas Freddy when contacted in Medan, Monday.
According to him, Pahae Jae Subdistrict is the worst affected area by the flash flood. His party together with related policy makers recorded as many as 77 affected houses.
"Meanwhile, in Sitas Barita District there are several houses, and the worst is three houses. Currently in the sub-district, cleaning is still being carried out," he said.
For this incident, his party together with related policy makers continue to make various efforts, including setting up refugee tents and public kitchens.
"Meanwhile, the refugee tents that were erected after the flash flood were in Pahae Jae District," he said.
He said his party would re-establish refugee tents if the displaced communities continued to grow.
"We set up a refugee tent. However, if people ask, we will provide it. We make sure the refugee tents are there," he said.
Until now, he said, his party continues to make various efforts and strengthen coordination in dealing with the potential for further flash floods.
He also appealed to the public, especially those living around locations prone to natural disasters, to increase early vigilance.
"There were no fatalities due to the flash flood, but one person was slightly injured as a result of slipping," he said.
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