JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Azis Syamsuddin hopes President Joko Widodo can appoint a bold and mature figure in living the government's agenda amid global challenges. Following the cabinet reshuffling will be conducted in the next few days.

"The current situation requires an innovative and brave figure. And more importantly, it has the measurable ability as a political bridge. I'm sure the President is careful", Azis said Thursday, April 15.

According to Azis, the public will not question the background of the minister chosen by the President. Whether from a political party, bureaucratic or professional. Most importantly according to what is expected.

Moreover, the Golkar Party politician continued, the president wants to improve the investment climate in the middle and post-COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the state seeks structural reform and requires the ratification of the Job Creation Act.

Because, said Azis, The Job Creation Act provides flexibility for anyone to develop independence, facilitate business licenses, to provide legal certainty to provide incentives.

"The regulation has been strengthened, it depends on our hard work to realize the goal", he said.

In addition, said Azis, the President also wants the maturity of all aspects in preparing a road map to implement Making Indonesia 4.0. It is expected that there will be efforts to encourage greater investment space after the Job Creation Act is passed.

In addition, added Azis, the President should also prioritize the preparation and strengthening of human resources as the needs of the industrial era 4.0 and demographic bonuses.

"The public has been talking about big data, artificial intelligence, the internet of things. It supports individual independence within the framework of a more developed country", he said.

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