JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has decided not to try the alleged ethical violation of Alexander Marwata. There is no reason to follow up on the meeting held by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK with the former Head of Yogyakarta Customs Eko Darmanto.

The Supervisory Board concluded that the actions of the reported Alexander Marwata were declared insufficient reasons to proceed to the ethics trial, "as quoted from the conclusion made by the KPK Supervisory Board, Tuesday, December 17.

This conclusion was made based on facts and evidence from the results of the clarification. "The meeting was in the context of carrying out its duties, namely receiving complaints of alleged corruption crimes from Eko Darmanto's brother," said the KPK Council.

The KPK Council said that Alexander did not hold the meeting alone. There were employees from the Directorate of Public Complaints Services (PLPM) who participated at the time.

"As well as the results conveyed to other leaders."

The alleged meeting between Alexander and Eko Darmanto was reported to the KPK Supervisory Board by the Law Concerned Student Forum (FMPH). Alexander is suspected of violating Article 4 paragraph (2) letters a and b in the KPK Council Regulation number 3 of 2021 after meeting Eko Darmanto.

Eko Darmanto is known to be a litigant in the anti-corruption commission. He is entangled in allegations of receiving gratuities and money laundering (TPPU) which originated from flexing or showing off assets.

As previously reported, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata said his meeting with Eko Darmanto in early 2023 did not discuss a gratification case that started with the public spotlight. The former Head of Yogyakarta Customs actually reported allegations of corruption.

"The person concerned when he wanted to meet me acted as a reporter for the alleged corruption case that occurred in the agency he was working for," Alexander said when confirmed by reporters quoted on Thursday, October 10.

Alexander ensured that the meeting did not discuss Eko's case at the KPK. "And the meeting was with the knowledge of the other leadership and I was accompanied by two staff," he said.

"So where is the problem," continued Alexander.

The meeting between Alexander and Eko Darmanto was also investigated by the Polda Metro Jaya. This process was carried out starting with a public complaint (dumas) which was then investigated.

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