Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar said his party had determined the number of quotas for pilgrims and the 2025 Hajj Implementation Fee (BPIH), and was just waiting for the DPR's approval.

"Yes, this week we have a joint determination with the DPR. We can't announce it before we have the committee (work committee) formed. This week, God willing," said Minister of Religion Nasaruddin as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 11.

The Minister of Religion has prepared the best things to support the smooth implementation of the 2025 Hajj pilgrimage, including when meeting with the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia Tawfiq F Al Rabiah.

"It's only been a month from Saudi Arabia, we met with the Minister of Hajj, yes, because in Saudi Arabia it's the G2G (Goverment to Government), so the Minister and the Minister," he said.

Previously, Commission VIII of the DPR asked the Ministry of Religion to immediately propose the 2025 BPIH during a Working Meeting with Minister of Religion Nasaruddin and Head of BPH Mochamad Irfan Yusuf at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, last December 4.

"Komnas Haji blamed Commission VIII for not approving (the cost) for organizing the 2025 Hajj, even though there were no proposals. We are waiting for the government's proposal (about) BPIH, until now we have not received a request to be discussed in Commission VIII, except for the previous one. In the past, we did not agree, because we did not mention the agency (BPH). We hope to immediately negotiate, immediately reach consensus, propose again," said Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Marwan Dasopang.

The implementation of the 2025 Hajj pilgrimage is only a few months away. Referring to the plan that has been prepared by the Ministry of Religion, on May 2, 2025, is the first batch of flights to the Holy Land.

This means that from today there are only five months left. However, until now Commission VIII of the DPR RI has not agreed and set the amount of the Hajj fee and is related to various other technical preparations, including the amount of the congregation's quota.

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