JAKARTA - The candidate pair for governor and deputy governor Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan is confirmed to have won the most votes at the West Java (West Java) Regency.

This assurance was revealed in the results of the recapitulation of votes from 27 regencies/cities throughout West Java which was read out by the Chairman of the West Java KPU Ahmad Nur Hidayat on the second day of the Open Pleno Meeting of Recapitulation and Determination of the Calculation Results for the Election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of West Java in 2024, Monday, December 9.

The vote count results read at the West Java KPU Building determined that the Dedi-Erwan pair won 14,130,192 votes, followed by the pair Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham Akbar Habibie who received 4,260,072 votes.

The third most votes winners were the Acep Adang Ruhiat-Gitalis Dwinatrina pair with 2,204,452 votes and the Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Suraprad pair in last place with 2,116,017 votes.

"This is the vote count for the election of governors from all regencies/cities as outlined in the D Results of the recapitulation of the vote acquisition for governors and deputy governors," said Ahmad Nur Hidayat as quoted by ANTARA.

The number of valid ballots in the 2024 Pilkada was 22,710,733 votes, then the number of invalid ballots was 993,052, so that the total number of ballots was recorded at 23,703,785.

"Thus we have read the certificate, then we will sign and double it to be given to witnesses and elements of West Java Province," he said.

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