JAKARTA - Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman expressed his gratitude to President Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo is considered to have given an extraordinary mandate as the Presidential Special Envoy for Religious Harmony and the Development of Religious Facilities.

"To the president, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the trust and trust that have been given to me," said Miftha while holding back tears, Friday, December 6.

The mandate is considered extraordinary because he is just a small person who has a background in the black world.

But Prabowo for Miftah seemed not to care about him and instead trusted him by giving him a high position.

"I am a child who is motivated from the streets, who hangs out with the marginal world, the world of thuggery and nightclubs," he said.

"The president has raised the highest degree as high as possible, which is an extraordinary gift that Allah has given to me through the intermediary of President Prabowo Subianto," continued Miftah.

Not only that, Miftah also violated her apology to Prabowo. Because, the performance is not in accordance with his expectations.

"I apologize to you for not being able to become what you expected to Asya, once again I would like to thank the president because I learned to be a knight from the president," said Miftah.

Miftah Maulana has decided to resign from his position as Special Envoy for the President for Religious Harmony and Development of Religious Facilities. The decision resulted in a viral act of insulting the ice tea trader as stupid.

"Es temu jik okeh ora (es temu masih banyak)? Masih? Yo kono dipol (ya sana dijual), g*bl*k," kata Miftah dalam potongan video.

"Dolen insik, ngko lang nyur payu yo wes, fate (sell first, later if still not sold, yes, fate)," he continued, greeted by laughter from a number of people on stage.

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