MAKASSAR - The first day of ramadan fasting has been tarnished by the actions of a group of people in Makassar, South Sulawesi. There is a group of people fighting the morning after sahur.

The brawl took place on Jalan Sungai Saddang Baru, Makassar. This brawl was disbanded by the Makassar Police assisted by the Makassar Police Stabbing Team.

"The stabbing team along with patmor 631 back-up Makassar Police disbanded the group war that again broke out in Jalan Sungai Saddang Baru, Makassar," said the stabbing team, Tuesday, April 13.

"Several bow arrows were found at the site. While one unit of car vehicle belonging to the citizens was damaged by being hit by a stoning from the war perpetrators of the group," he continued.

Makassar Police Stabbing Team

Not only the fight of the Makassar Police Stabbing team also cracked down on teenagers who will be racing wildly in the first month of Ramadan.

Makassar Police Stabbing Team

The Stabbing Team patrolled AP Pettarani Street, Makassar and found a group of young men about to race wild around 01.00 WITA.

"When disbanded, two young men who belonged to the group had crashed into the member's motorcycle and tried to escape until it was finally secured," said The Stabbing Team.

Furthermore, the two young men were taken to Mapolrestabes Makassar for construction and for the vehicle was penalized with a ticket.

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