JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has again summoned the Commissioner of the Indonesian Mining Industry Holding SOE (MIND ID), Grace Natalie and Housing Minister Maruarar Sirait regarding alleged violations in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.
The Coordinator of the DKI Provincial Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Benny Sabdo, said that today was the third summons sent to Grace and Maruarar.
This is because the two have always been absent since the request for attendance for the first and second clarification process by the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu Center) at Bawaslu DKI.
"It's true that today is the third call. Yesterday they were not present. Today we called back," said Benny in a short message, Friday, December 6.
As for the alleged violations committed by Grace for participating in campaigning for the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair number 1 Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO). In fact, commissioners, directors, and BUMN employees are prohibited from campaigning during the general election.
Apart from Grace, fellow PSI elites were also summoned by Bawaslu, namely Cheryl Tanzil, Chairman of the PSI DPP for accompanying Grace in the RIDO grand campaign activities.
Meanwhile, Maruarar Sirait was summoned by Bawaslu because of a statement that smelled of SARA. Where, Maruarar said non-Muslim voters left pair number 3 Pramono Anung-Rano Karno because it was supported by Anies Baswedan.
It is currently recorded that the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu received 13 reports of alleged violations of the 2024 Pilkada from the public, including reporting Grace and Maruarar. The thirteen reports are still being processed by Bawaslu.
"The report comes from the relevant community regarding the alleged money politics by the candidate pair 01 team and candidate pair 03 team, the involvement of BUMN commissioner Grace Natalie in the campaign, the politicization of SARA by the Minister of Public Housing Maruara Sirait, and regarding the community not getting C6 invitations to vote," said Benny.
On that occasion, Benny appreciated the people of Jakarta for reporting related to alleged violations to the DKI Bawaslu.
"All incoming reports we follow up according to the applicable procedural law. Please report residents. We invite all people in DKI Jakarta to be involved as participatory supervisors," he added.
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