YOGYAKARTA - Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Basuki Hadimuljono targets all offices and residences in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, to be ready for use this December.

"God willing, offices must be ready this December, and everything is ready," said Basuki at the XXIII Indonesian Engineers Association Congress, Friday, December 5.

He explained, at the end of this year, the coordinating ministry office (kemenko) consisting of 16 towers was ready. Likewise with the housing consisting of 47 towers.

In addition to office and residential buildings, Basuki said that supporting facilities for the life ecosystem in IKN, such as restaurants, cafes, laundry, and barbershops, had also been prepared.

Even so, Basuki emphasized that there are still many jobs that must be completed, both physical and unphysical development. He invited the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to play an active role, especially in managing the Sepaku area through a socio-engineering approach.

Basuki also revealed challenges related to clay shale in several areas of IKN that have low carrying capacity. For this reason, the area is used as a water resource conservation area, including the construction of 60 reservoirs to manage runoffs.

"The development of IKN is not only about infrastructure, but also involves social and ecological structuring," he added.

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