JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of DKI Jakarta Province revealed that Integrated Law Enforcement (Gakkumdu) summoned Grace Natalie, Cheryl Tanzil and Maruarar Sirait regarding alleged violations in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada campaign.
"Today, the DKI Gakkumdu Bawaslu summoned Grace Natalie, Cheryl Tanzil and Maruarar Sirait. Previously they were called for clarification but were not present," said the Coordinator of the DKI Provincial Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Benny Sabdo, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 5.
The summons was explained because of the involvement of BUMN commissioner Grace Natalie in the campaign and politicization of SARA (Suku, Religion, Ras and Intergroup) by the Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas Maruarar Sirait.
Benny conveyed this based on reports from the public. Bawaslu DKI Jakarta appreciates the people of Jakarta for having reported the alleged violation of the Pilkada to Bawaslu.
"All reports come in, we follow up according to the applicable procedural law. Please residents report. We invite all people in DKI Jakarta to be involved as participatory supervisors," said Benny.
Benny also reminded the ranks of Bawaslu cities and districts to respond quickly to public reports so that they are processed according to the mechanism for handling violations.
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