The armed criminal group (KKB) led by Askel Mabel Kembai acted to shoot an angkot driver at KM 76 Jalan Trans Papua, Abenaho District, Yalimo Regency, Papua Mountains.
The victim was shot on Wednesday, December 4 at around 12.10 WIT while the victim was in Wilak Village.
"The perpetrator of the shooting was suspected of being the KKB led by Askel Mabel, who was a former member of the National Police who was fired after escaping with four AK 47 firearms belonging to the Yalimo Police," said Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force Brigadier General Faizal Rahmadani when contacted from Jayapura, Thursday, December 5, confiscated by Antara.
Faizal, who is also the Deputy Chief of the Papuan Police, said that currently the victim had been evacuated to the Elelim Hospital.
"The victim has been evacuated to Elelim and plans to be taken to Wamena before going to Jayapura," said Faizal.
Previously, on November 5, the perpetrator shot Pong alias ML, a speed driver to death.
Askel Mabel, who previously served at the Yalimo Police Station, took away four AK firearms along with dozens of ammunition on June 9 shortly after telling the member on guard at the Yalimo Police Headquarters about to ride to charge his cell phone.
But then, Askel Mabel then took away four long-barreled firearms, three of which were stored in a bag while one of the shoots held and was directed to the member who was on guard at the Yalimo Police Headquarters post so that the person concerned ran to save himself.
Yalimo Regency is one of the areas crossing the Trans Papua section of Jayapura, Papua - Wamena, Papua Mountains.
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