SULBAR - Police arrested the perpetrators of embezzlement of funds from farmer groups in Tommo Village, Mamuju, West Sulawesi (Sulbar), Thursday, December 5 in the morning.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mamuju Police, Kompol Jamaluddin, said the perpetrator with the initials MF (32), a private employee of North Ahuni, Buruga Village, Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency.

"We arrested the MF perpetrator after running away in Onang Village, Tubo Sendana District, Majene Regency, Thursday morning," said Jamaluddin, confiscated by Antara.

The arrest of MF, he continued, was based on two police reports on behalf of the reporter Muhammad Nasir and I Wayan Suastika.

The embezzlement case, he continued, began when Muhammad Nasir and I Wayan Suastika and the perpetrators of MF, as the person in charge of the farmer group, disbursed funds from the Rawa Mangun farmer group at Bank Mandiri, on November 18, 2024.

After the disbursement process was completed, the two reporters immediately returned to Tommo Village and the money from the disbursed farmer group was brought by the perpetrators.

"However, after waiting, MF did not return to Tommo Village but instead fled," said Jamaluddin.

The two reporters, added the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, had tried to search and kept contacting the perpetrators, but MF's cell phone was no longer active, so Muhammad Nasir and I Wayan Suastika reported the incident at the Mamuju Police Station.

"After a series of investigations, it was finally discovered that MF's whereabouts were found, so an arrest was immediately taken," explained Jamaluddin.

From the results of the examination, MF said Jamaluddin admitted that he had embezzled money worth Rp. 157,920,000 along with Bank Mandiri's savings book.

"Currently, we are still examining the MF intensively at the Mamuju Police for further investigation," said Jamaluddin.

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