The Riau Regional Police (Polda) are pursuing assets related to the alleged fictitious official travel order (SPPD) at the Riau Provincial DPRD Secretariat to West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra).

The Director of the Ditreskrimsus of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol Nasriadi, said that these assets were allegedly hidden using the names of other people, such as apartments that had been confiscated in Batam City, Riau Islands.

"Legal efforts are still ongoing. We have made efforts to forcefully confiscate apartments in Batam which were allegedly purchased from the proceeds of crime," he said in Pekanbaru, Thursday, December 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

In addition to the apartment, his party has also secured luxury goods and account books which are believed to be related to the case being investigated. From several names that his party traced, when checked the value was the same exactly when the incident occurred.

"These names are people who are close to potential suspects. The person suspected of receiving this transfer uses the money to buy assets in the Batam and West Sumatra areas," he said.

However, his party has yet to determine the suspect because he is still waiting for a report from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"We will continue to coordinate with BPKP, which is currently still investigating the allegedly fictitious place for the disbursement of the money. After that we will be exposed," concluded Nasriadi.

Previously, the Riau Police confiscated an apartment belonging to a former Pekanbaru Mayor Muflihun official who was at the Nagoya City Walk Complex, Batam City, Riau Islands. The sealing was carried out in connection with allegations of corruption while serving as Secretary of the Riau Provincial DPRD Council for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

"There has been confiscation of an apartment belonging to Muflihun worth Rp557 million in Citraplaza Nagoya," he said.

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