JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Rahmad Handoyo assessed, the public should not worry about joining the vaccination program. Following a statement by China's health authorities, the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine made in the country is relatively low.

According to Rahmad, the efficacy of Chinese-made vaccines, such as Sinovac, is still above the threshold set by the World Health Organization or WHO.

"We do not have to worry about the honesty of statements from Chinese officials. The threshold that who has set is 50 percent. I think production from China is still on top of that, so there is no need to worry," Rahmad said on Tuesday, April 13.

Nevertheless, the PDIP politician appreciated the openness of Chinese officials regarding vaccines made in his country.

"We admit even if it is not wrong 50.4 percent yes efficacy, but this is still above the threshold set by who, I think there is no problem," rahmad said.

According to him, there is no issue of Chinese-made vaccines in terms of safety and security. Admittedly, the most committed and timely vaccine procurement plan in Indonesia is only from China.

"While the other producers have not been proven whether it is in accordance with the plan, whether it is in accordance with the target, now we need to think about it," rahmad said.

Rahmad also reminded that nowadays vaccines become a rare item in the world. So the most important thing is that the stock of COVID-19 vaccine for Indonesians is still safe.

"On the one hand we thank China for its commitment to provide vaccines to us. Believe in the steps taken by the government, the government will give its best," he said.

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