JAKARTA - Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country is felt to be very lacking in access to Islamic religious education for Muslim disabilities, especially deaf disabilities, such as studying the Koran, al-Hadits and others. For this reason, cooperation is needed from all parties to foster access to Islamic religious education for disabilities, one of which is the sign language of hijaiyyah.
More specifically are friends with deaf disabilities. According to existing data, 2.5 million people with disabilities are deaf. Our country sees the majority of Muslims, if the number of people with deaf disabilities is 2.5 million people, then more than 2 million people with deaf disabilities are Muslims. Of course they need to learn religion, such as studying the Koran, al-Hadis and others. However, access to them learning religion requires a sign interpreter. However, our signal interpreter is still minimal, and more minimal is a hijaiyah signal interpreter. Therefore, this problem needs special attention. said KH Sarmidi Husna in the National Halaqah and Commemoration of International Day of Persons at the State University of Jakarta, (2/12).
According to the Director of the Community Development Association (P3M), there are three things that must be done in order to build a disability-friendly society. First is a mindset problem. Usually parents who have children with disabilities are considered a disgrace, they are embarrassed.' he added.
The second is related to the role of the state. After there is Law no. 8 of 2016, the state has not optimally provided services or provided facilitation to persons with disabilities. For example, there are still minimal offices or buildings with disabilities. Public facilities as well as religious facilities are also not friendly," he added.
The third is related to services. Whether it's a health problem, economic services and others. But what needs more attention is the problem of education services. In the data, we are still a special accompanying teacher deficit. Special accompanying teachers, if percentageed, are only 15 percent of students with disabilities," he said.
In his remarks, Kyai Sarmidi also quoted the story of Rasulullah Saw. who was reprimanded by Allah SWT. Rasulullah Saw. God has been reprimanded for ignoring a blind friend named Abdullah bin Umi Maktum. This is illustrated in the Qur'an of the Abasa Letter, "he concluded.
According to Kiai Sarmidi, Islam strongly condemns the discriminatory attitude and actions of persons with disabilities. In the Koran, it is told about the interaction of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. which is considered less ideal for a friend with visual disabilities, so that Allah then reprimanded him. What is stated is in the Letter of Abasa verse 1-11.
Kia Sarmidi added that the mufasir narrated one of the people with disabilities, namely Abdullah bin Ummi Mahtum. He came to Prophet Saw. to ask for Islamic guidance. However, it was ignored because Rasulullah Saw. was busy holding meetings with Quraish officials about things that were actually priorities because it involved the fate of Muslims.
"Then cast down the Abasa Letter as a warning to pay attention to it rather than the Quraish leaders," he explained. Since then the Prophet Saw has greatly respected his blind friend.
Meanwhile in his remarks, Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Business at the Jakarta State University (UNJ) Dr. Andi Hidayanto, MA, said that there must be a paradigm change in the term disability. I insert Habib Ali al Jufri who changes the understanding of disability. Not people who need special treatment, but disabilities are interpreted as people who have special gifts. he said.
This perspective will be able to provide more appreciation for disability. With that meaning, we can provide equal, career and develop opportunities with people with disabilities," he added.
He hopes that through this halaqah, UNJ will be able to become a pioneer in the language training of hijaiyyah signs in the country.
In this event, several speakers were present, namely Prof. Dr. Totok Bintoro, M. Pd who is also a UNJ Professor. Then there is Hj. Ida Zulfiya, S.Th.I., M.Ag from the Pentashih Al Qur'an Institute. Then there is Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Hj Hindun Anisah as well as principal of the inclusion school. In addition, there is Kikin P Tarigan S. from the National Commission for Disabilities (KND). In addition, it was attended by the Jakarta State University academic community and invitations from various Islamic boarding schools and disabled activists.
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