JAKARTA The Honorary Council of the House of Representatives (MKD) of the Republic of Indonesia will hold a hearing to examine members of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDIP faction, Yulius Setiarto, today, Tuesday, December 3.
This trial is related to Yulius' statement which is considered offensive to the involvement of the "Brown Party" or police in the 2024 Pilkada. MKD will impose sanctions if Yulius is proven to have violated the council's code of ethics.
"Yes, the trial starts at 14.30 WIB," said the head of the MKD, Nazaruddin Dek Gam, Tuesday, December 3.
Before examining Yulius, MKD will first examine members of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Nuroji, regarding his statement containing discriminatory elements of race and ethnicity in a Working Meeting with the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports at 11.00 WIB.
In addition, at 13.30 WIB, MKD will also hold a verification trial against a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDIP faction, Haryanto, regarding an immoral video that is currently viral.
"This morning we called Nuroji from Gerindra, then Haryanto from PDIP regarding the viral video. We will clarify," said Nazaruddin.
Nazaruddin emphasized that the MKD would process all alleged violations of the reported code of ethics, regardless of the party. If found guilty, the DPR member will be sanctioned.
"Whoever is reported and proven wrong, we will act in accordance with the provisions," continued Nazaruddin. "MKD will enforce ethics and morals in carrying out its duties."
Previously, Yulius Setiarto stated that he was ready to provide clarification regarding his remarks regarding the "Brown Party" or police in the 2024 Pilkada. Yulius was reported by Ali Hakim Lubis on charges of spreading hoaxes related to the involvement of certain parties in the 2024 Pilkada. Yulius admitted that he would maintain his statement in the MKD trial.
"As far as I know, my report is related to posts on TikTok on November 25. I consider this a reasonable mechanism, and I am ready to explain at the hearing later," said Yulius.
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