The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named a suspect in the alleged corruption in the procurement of rubber processing facilities and services at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). This determination is based on an investigation carried out as of November 13.
"The KPK has started an investigation into the case as above and has named one person as a suspect," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement quoted
"The investigation process is currently underway," said Tessa. "The names and positions of suspects cannot be conveyed at this time," he said.
Previously reported, the KPK is again investigating allegations of corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). This time the case is related to the procurement of rubber processing facility services for the fiscal year 2021-2023.
The anti-corruption commission suspects that there has been an inflated budget for the purchase of rubber sap. As a result, there was a state loss of Rp. 75 billion.
Currently, eight people have been prevented from leaving the country, namely DS, RIS as the private sector; YW, SUP, ANA, AJH, and MT who are civil servants (PNS) of the Ministry of Agriculture; and a retiree with the initials DJ. They were prevented for six months and will be extended according to the needs of investigators.
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