Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of West Java, Ummi Wahyuni, has been officially removed from office by the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) of the Republic of Indonesia. This dismissal was decided in the DKPP trial which was held online on Monday, December 2, 2024.
The chairman of the DKPP, Heddy Lugito, explained that Ummi was given strict sanctions in the form of direct dismissal as Chairman of the West Java Provincial KPU after being proven to have violated the code of ethics.
"Granted the complainant's complaint in part. Imposing harsh warning sanctions and dismissal from the position of Chair to Teradu, Ummi Wahyuni, as Chairman and concurrently a member of the West Java Province KPU, as of the time this decision was read out," Heddy said in an open trial decision.
Ummi was found guilty in the alleged violation case reported by NasDem Party politician, Eep Hidayat. This case is related to the shift in votes in the name of Ujang Bey, candidate member of the DPR RI number 5 from the West Java electoral district IX, which is considered detrimental to the NasDem Party.
DKPP decided the case based on report numbered 131-PKE-DKPP/VII/2024 and ordered the decision to be carried out no later than seven days after the verdict was read.
"Ordered the KPU to carry out this decision throughout the Defendant no later than seven days after this decision was read out. Ordered Bawaslu to oversee the implementation of this decision," said Heddy.
Prior to the final decision, DKPP held a hearing to examine alleged violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) at the West Java Province Bawaslu Office, Bandung City, on Friday, September 20, 2024. During the trial, Ummi Wahyuni allegedly allowed and agreed to the shift in votes which was at the heart of the problem.
This decision emphasizes the importance of integrity in the implementation of the General Election and is a reminder for the organizers to carry out their duties according to the rules and ethics.
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