JAKARTA - Professor of Law at Al Azhar University, Suparji Ahmad, assessed that the placement of the National Police under the Ministry of Home Affairs as proposed by the PDI-P is more dangerous for the development of democracy in Indonesia.

This is because the position of minister, including the minister of interior, is a political position that can be occupied by political party cadres.

"If it is then placed under the Ministry of Home Affairs, it is even risky. In fact, it is risky, meaning that the Minister of Home Affairs is from a political party, it is even dangerous," he said, Sunday, December 1, 2024.

He stated that what needs to be improved by the alleged intervention of the National Police in both the General Election and the 2024 Regional Head Election is to carry out stricter supervision of officials who have the potential to place the National Police subjectively.

"For example, certain parties place the police in the interests of the group or subjective, that's what needs to be improved, it can't be like that. But the improvement is open to the context of the position of the Police structure. But what more is the supervision of the officials concerned," explained Suparji.

As is known, the chairman of the PDI-P DPP, Deddy Sitorus, revealed that his party was considering suggestions for the National Police to be placed under the Ministry of Home Affairs so that there would be no intervention in the election or regional elections.

According to him, by being under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Police can focus on securing the community. "We are already investigating the possibility to push the Police back under the control of the TNI Commander. Or so that the Indonesian National Police is returned to the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Deddy.

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