SUKABUMI (General Election Commission) Sukabumi City reported that 17 election organizers in 2024 experienced illness after the voting and counting of votes. Of these, 11 people underwent outpatient treatment, while 6 others were hospitalized due to fatigue.
The Art of Soniasih, the Socialization Division, Voter Education and Community Participation of the Sukabumi City KPU, revealed that the officers who were sick were mostly members of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS). They are currently being treated at RSUD R. Syamsudin SH, Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital, and Kartika Hospital.
"On average they complain of fever, flu, and cough due to fatigue while on duty, plus weather factors that also affect health conditions," said Art.
KPPS officers work late at night to ensure the voting process and vote count runs smoothly. Uncertain weather conditions are also a factor that worsens their health.
The Sukabumi City KPU continues to monitor the health condition of the officers and coordinate with the medical authorities so that they can recover quickly.
Despite the officer's health problems, the voting and vote counting processes generally run smoothly, safely, and conducively. Art urges candidate pairs and teams to succeed in staying restrained and not taking actions that can disrupt the situation.
"People are expected to be patient waiting for the results of the real count at the KPU level and the official determination of the 2024 Pilkada winners," added Art.
This situation is an important concern for the KPU in ensuring that the health of officers is maintained in the next democratic process.
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