KUPANG A tragic incident occurred in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), where a man named Gabriel Sengkoen (34) had the heart to burn his partner, Mbatti Mbana (44), using kerosene. As a result, the victim suffered burns of up to 90 percent and is now in critical condition.
The incident occurred after the two of them voted at the polling station (TPS). Kupang City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Aldiann Manurung, explained that the incident started with an argument that occurred after they returned from the polling station.
"Initially they voted together at the TPS. After voting, the two of them fought. The victim began to be abused since he was still at the TPS until on his way home on a motorbike," said Aldianan on Friday, November 29.
Arriving at the house, the quarrel peaked. Gabriel then poured kerosene into Mbatti's body and lit a fire using a match. The screams for help from the victim sparked the attention of neighbors, who immediately took him to RSUD W Z Yohanes Kupang.
Public Relations of W Z Yohanes Kupang Hospital, Jane Mbado, revealed that the victim's condition was very critical. "The victim suffered burns 90 percent and is being treated intensively in the ICU. For now, the victim cannot be visited," said Jane.
Kapolresta Kupang Kota explained that the motive for this incident was triggered by jealousy. "The perpetrator has been secured with evidence for further legal proceedings," added Aldianan.
Although the victims and perpetrators have lived together and have two children, they are not officially married. "Legally, their status is not husband and wife, but we call them a couple," explained Aldian.
The police confirmed that they would take this case seriously and impose appropriate penalties for the perpetrators.
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