JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) will disburse ready-made funds amounting to Rp. 1 billion for the handling of the impact of earthquakes that occurred in several regions in East Java.

Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo said that the funds prepared, will be channeled to the Government of East Java Province. Later, the funds will be distributed to each region through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Java.

"We will distribute ready-made funds to help the field kitchen of Rp. 1 billion. It will be distributed to the East Java Provincial Government through BPBD," said Doni in Ampelgading, Malang Regency, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 11.

Doni added that not only has he prepared a fund of Rp. 1 billion, but BNPB has also prepared other measures regarding moderate and lightly damaged homes. Development can be done independently, with funding submitted to BNPB.

Doni explained that assistance for the construction of the house can be obtained by means of local government applying for funding to BNPB by including the name and address of residents, including the Resident Identification Number (NIK).

"It can be built on a self-managed basis. Before it is proposed, the local government should list names in villages," said Doni

The amount of assistance for the improvement of houses affected by the Malang earthquake varies depending on the extent of the damage. For houses that are severely damaged, the central government prepares a stimulant fund of Rp. 50 million, moderately damaged Rp. 25 million and lightly damaged amounting to Rp. 10 million.

Doni added that for houses that have been severely damaged, they will also get force assistance from the National Army/National Police elements, as well as the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, to carry out construction. He expects, home repairs with moderate and minor damage can be done as quickly as possible.

On that occasion, Doni reminded that the south coast of Java is one of the areas at high risk of earthquake. Therefore, people are encouraged not to panic and to remain calm.

Training programs related to disaster anticipation measures that have been carried out by the provincial government, districts/cities assisted by the Meteorology Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), and National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) supported by the National Army and the National Police should be done more often. "It's not to make people panic, but it's part of our preparedness and vigilance," Doni said.

Doni hopes that residents who live in disaster-prone areas should get training and education in order to prepare themselves in the event of a disaster. "Vigilance, community preparedness must be built from the community itself. The leadership of the village head, the head of Neighbourhood Association (RT), Community Association (RW) is important so that it can invite the community to be better prepared for the risks that occur," said Doni.

Earlier, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake shook Malang Regency, East Java, on Saturday, April 10, 2021. The earthquake was not potentially a tsunami and tremors were felt in several areas in East Java.

Recorded, the impact of the earthquake in Malang there were three victims who died. In addition, the earthquake also caused damage to 14 school units, eight units of health facilities, and six units of public facilities also experienced the same thing.

In addition, 525 houses were lightly damaged, 114 houses were moderately damaged, 57 houses were severely damaged, and 26 houses of worship were damaged.

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