YOGYAKARTA The establishment of a Limited Company (PT) cannot be done haphazardly. There are guidelines and rules that must be adhered to, especially in terms of the articles of association. The preparation of the articles of association is carried out by the founders of the company before ratifying the business entity to become PT. in its preparation, the owner of a business entity must pay attention to what must be included in the articles of association of PT.

As one of the elements of the requirements to make a deed of establishment of PT, the preparation of the basic PT budget is regulated in Law (UU) Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT).

In Article 8 paragraph (1) of the Constitution, it is stated that the deed of establishment contains articles of association and other information related to the establishment of the Company. The basic budget as referred to by Article 8 paragraph (1) must contain at least a few things, namely as follows.

The company's basic budget has several important characteristics that are adjusted to the UUPT. These characteristics are as follows.

If all obligatory things in the articles of association are made, you need to report them to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Later the ministry will issue a Decree (SK) on the establishment and provide official legal entity status.

The basic budget of PT could be changed, but it is mandatory to obtain approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This change is regulated in Article 12 (2) Ministerial Regulation no. M-01 HT 01-10/2007. The regulation explains that changes in the Company's data must be notified to the Minister as follows.

The amendment to the articles of association, in Article 19 paragraph (1) of the UUPT, is stipulated through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). PT must meet the requirements that have been determined by the Law if it is to make changes to the articles of association.

That is information related to what must be included in the basic budget of PT. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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