JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin still reminded the ranks of the National Police not to act arrogantly in carrying out their duties.

This was conveyed by Azis in response to the Telegram Letter banning the media from broadcasting the arrogance of the police which has now been revoked.

"Indeed, if the telegram is valid, it will give rise to various perceptions, impressions, and interpretations. Hopefully, this does not happen again in the police body," Azis told reporters on Thursday, April 8.

The Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) expects the National Police to act decisively in any violations in accordance with the operational standards of the applicable procedures (SOP). But according to the jargon, the firm attitude must be accompanied by a humanist way.

"Assertive does not mean hard and brutal. Firm means carrying out its duties in accordance with SOP and able to put forward the humanist side for the community," jelas Azis.

This Golkar Party politician said there was no denying the recent video or impressions circulated in the media that showed the arrogance of members of the police.

"And the behavior of members of the Police force has always been in the spotlight of the media, especially the public," Azis said.

Azis reminded the police to always be perpendicular to their duties and functions. The police, he said, should be careful when on the ground and not show any act of arrogance so that it looks arrogant.

"Because one arrogant act of police officers can damage the image of the Police who continue to improve and show their professionalism," he said.

Azis also welcomed the apology delivered by Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the circulation of the telegram. The move, according to him, is appropriate in responding to issues circulating in the community.

"The explanation of the Police Chief can at least be understood and understood. Moreover, the reason the initial Telegram Letter was intended only for internal Police," he explained.

Known, in the police telegram number ST/750/IV/HUM.3.4.5./2021 published on April 5, 2021, one of them mentioned that the media is prohibited from broadcasting police efforts or actions that display arrogance and violence and encouraged to air strict but humanist police activities.

However, the telegram letter was then revoked by issuing a new Telegram Letter with the number ST/759/IV/HUM.3.4.5./2021 dated April 6, 2021.

The Telegram letter is considered as a restraint on the duty of journalists in collecting information and coverage.

"It has been explained in detail by the Police Chief. This is in line with the retraction of the Telegram letter. I don't think it's worth debating. The police chief has realized, if this Telegram letter will cause opposition among fellow journalists, especially media unions and journalists in the country," he said.

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