JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) task force with the initials IGAS who stole evidence of gold weighing 1.9 kilograms was not only fired from the KPK. The KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) brought the case into the criminal field.

"On this issue, the KPK leadership has decided that the case is now brought into the criminal field", KPK Dewas Chairman Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean told reporters on Thursday, April 8.

This issue, said Tumpak, has been reported to the South Jakarta Regional Police. The police have also examined IGAS.

"It has been reported to the South Jakarta Police and the person concerned has been examined by police investigators and witnesses from here", he said.

Tumpak said that Dewas KPK would not rule out criminal proceedings. Because all the guilty parties must serve their sentences.

"So our trial doesn't abolish the criminal, the criminal stays. But because this is already criminal, then, it is passed on to the police", he said.

This act of theft is called was not done all at once. IGAS stole 1.9 kg of gold gradually from January to June 2020.

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