Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the government was preparing a Draft Government Regulation (RPP).
"It is being prepared related to MSMEs, namely RPP Deletes Books and Removes Collection from banks and ministries/agencies," he said at a press conference for the Quick Wins Program which was held at the Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta, Sunday, November 3.
Airlangga explained that this program aims to help the community, especially farmers and fishermen who have been registered in government programs but are experiencing problems.
In the past, there were government programs related to the agricultural sector. If you delete books and delete collections that are not implemented, the problematic community will be recorded in the Ministry of Finance database, so they cannot get banking facilities anymore," explained Airlangga.
In addition, continued Airlangga, this step is also considered a moratorium for those who have faced problems. Because, for state-owned banks, the mechanism for removing books can be done but removing collections cannot be implemented.
"By deleting this book and deleting this collection, it is hoped that credit for the public can be rolled back," he said.
Meanwhile, continued Airlangga, private banks have the ability to delete books as well as delete collections. This provides more flexibility in debt settlement.
"This is purely to support Himbara, considering that the number of registered communities is quite large. With this program, we hope that the economic recovery process can run more smoothly," he said.
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