JAKARTA - Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto checked and marked the ministers of the Red and White Cabinet who were present and unable to attend the declaration of the National Solidarity Movement at the Indonesia Arena Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday.
Before starting his remarks, President Prabowo, who is also the GSN Board of Trustees, summoned the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Gibran Rakabuming Raka, then the Chairman of the MPR RI Ahmad Muzani, the Chairman of the DPD RI Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin and the general chairmen of political parties, ranging from Golkar, PAN, Democrats, PSI, Gelora Party, and the secretary-general of the advanced Indonesian coalition parties.
"The Gerindra Party was represented by the Secretary General of Gerindra, Ahmad Muzani, who is also the Chairman of the MPR RI, and also represented by myself because I am the General Chair of the Gerindra Party," Prabowo said as quoted by Antara.
After that, President Prabowo also checked the presence of national figures, such as Wiranto, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and Dudung Abdurachman, as well as several regional head candidates, such as Dedi Mulyadi and Ridwan Kamil.
Not to forget, Prabowo also introduced the Chairman of Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Siti Hediati Hariyadi, who was then greeted with great fanfare by the invitees who attended.
"Mother... Siti Hediati Hariyadi. How come the loudest applause is surprising. What does that mean?" Prabowo asked the audience with a flat face.
Siti Hediati Hariyadi alias Titiek Suharto immediately stood up while cupping her hands in front of her face, saying thank you to Prabowo.
Prabowo also mentioned that many ministers of the Red and White Cabinet were present. However, because GSN is referred to as a social event, he does not want to lead to political positions.
The President also mentioned one by one the ministers without their positions, but the education degrees obtained. When it was the turn of the Minister of Youth and Sports Dito Ariotedjo, Prabowo joked as if he was looking for a pen from his pocket. He also gave a gesture as if marking the Minister of Youth and Sports Dito, who was unable to attend.
Apart from Minister Dito, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman was also unable to attend, but Prabowo had learned that Amran was out of town.
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