JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute said strengthening the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) as financial intelligence must be carried out if the Draft Law (RUU) on Kartal Money Restrictions is ratified. This institution must even have the authority to carry out investigations.
"If there is no strengthening of the PPATK institution, restrictions on the circulation of kartal money will not be effective in preventing corruption," said Chairman of the IM 57+ Institute, Praswad Nugraha, to reporters in a written statement quoted on Friday, November 1.
"Because apart from cash, other media including crypto and foreign currency can also be used as an effective and difficult to detect payout tool," he continued.
PPATK, continued Praswad, must be an institution that continuously oversees suspicious transactions. "For example, if there is a massive gold purchase or a dollar exchange with fantastic value with a profile of the perpetrators of the transaction that is not supportive," said the former KPK investigator.
But, on the other hand, supervision must also be carried out carefully. Do not let micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs) that still rely on cash are also affected.
Thus, the integrity of PPATK employees must also be a concern. "If law enforcers do not have integrity, all these corruption prevention systems will become new land as a loophole for extortion for irresponsible persons," explained Praswad.
"Do not let the law on limiting cartal money criminalize MSME entrepreneurs who daily drive people's businesses and economies using cash," he continued.
As previously reported, the KPK asked the DPR RI to discuss the restrictions on cash transactions or cash to be carried out. KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said this draft law was as important as the Asset Confiscation Bill.
This was conveyed by him in response to the findings of Rp1 trillion and gold at the house of a former Supreme Court (MA) official who was suspected of bribery in handling the case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur, Zarof Ricar or ZR.
"KPK emphasizes the importance of discussing the Bill on Asset Confiscation and Currency Restrictions to be discussed by representatives of the people in the DPR," Tessa told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29.
"As we both know that apart from the Asset Confiscation Bill, we also encourage the Draft Law on Currency Restrictions in the DPR," he continued.
Even so, Tessa alluded to the Bill on Asset Confiscation and Currency Restrictions which has not yet become a priority for the DPR RI. Thus, the anti-corruption commission wants the incident that ensnared Zarof Ricar to be the trigger.
Because this law, especially the Asset Confiscation Bill, is needed by law enforcement officials. "KPK continues to hope and encourage the people's representatives in the DPR to understand and discuss the draft law," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.
"Which (of the law, ed) aims to be able to mitigate the risks as previously stated, including the discovery of bribes in the form of cash, both rupiah and foreign currency," explained Tessa. PPATK Must Be Strong If the Kartal Money Restriction Bill Is Ratified
JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute said strengthening the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) as a financial intelligence must be carried out if the Draft Law (RUU) on Kartal Money Restrictions is ratified. This institution must even have the authority to carry out investigations.
"If there is no strengthening of the PPATK institution, restrictions on the circulation of kartal money will not be effective in preventing corruption," said Chairman of the IM 57+ Institute, Praswad Nugraha, to reporters in a written statement quoted on Friday, November 1.
"Because apart from cash, other media including crypto and foreign currency can also be used as an effective and difficult to detect payout tool," he continued.
PPATK, continued Praswad, must be an institution that continuously oversees suspicious transactions. "For example, if there is a massive gold purchase or a dollar exchange with fantastic value with a profile of the perpetrators of the transaction that is not supportive," said the former KPK investigator.
But, on the other hand, supervision must also be carried out carefully. Do not let micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs) that still rely on cash are also affected.
Thus, the integrity of PPATK employees must also be a concern. "If law enforcers do not have integrity, all these corruption prevention systems will become new land as a loophole for extortion for irresponsible persons," explained Praswad.
"Do not let the law on limiting cartal money criminalize MSME entrepreneurs who daily drive people's businesses and economies using cash," he continued.
As previously reported, the KPK asked the DPR RI to discuss the restrictions on cash transactions or cash to be carried out. KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said this draft law was as important as the Asset Confiscation Bill.
This was conveyed by him in response to the findings of Rp1 trillion and gold at the house of a former Supreme Court (MA) official who was suspected of bribery in handling the case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur, Zarof Ricar or ZR.
"KPK emphasizes the importance of discussing the Bill on Asset Confiscation and Currency Restrictions to be discussed by representatives of the people in the DPR," Tessa told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29.
"As we both know that apart from the Asset Confiscation Bill, we also encourage the Draft Law on Currency Restrictions in the DPR," he continued.
Even so, Tessa alluded to the Bill on Asset Confiscation and Currency Restrictions which has not yet become a priority for the DPR RI. Thus, the anti-corruption commission wants the incident that ensnared Zarof Ricar to be the trigger.
Because this law, especially the Asset Confiscation Bill, is needed by law enforcement officials. "KPK continues to hope and encourage the people's representatives in the DPR to understand and discuss the draft law," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.
"Which (of the law, ed) aims to be able to mitigate the risks as previously stated, including the discovery of bribes in the form of cash, both rupiah and foreign currency," explained Tessa.
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