Cirebon Prison Raids, Officers Find A Toy Gun
A toy gun and knife were found by officers from the Cirebon Class I Prison during the raid / Antara

JAKARTA - Cell phones, toy guns, and other items were found at Prison Class I Cirebon, West Java. This prohibited item was found when the BNN and the Cirebon City Police conducted a raid.

"We raided one block, then found some of the items", said Head of Cirebon Class I Prison Agus Irianto in Cirebon, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 7.

The main target of the raids, said Agus Irianto, is the presence of narcotics in prisons. In this raid, his party did not find these items.

During this raid, his party found that several items were not allowed in the prison.

During the raid, officers even secured two toy guns, two cell phones, a rice cooker, a fan, a water heater, and a small knife.

"This weapon is not real, but only a toy gun", he said.

With the discovery of items that are prohibited in the prison, his party will find out where they got it. In fact, the guard in front was quite tight.

"Assisted residents who are proven to have these items, we will give punishment by the rules", he said.

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