JAKARTA - The police are investigating a case of mutual contact by Indra Jaya (54) against a girl at the Pejaten police post (pospol), Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Because, it is suspected that there are several elements of crime ranging from kidnapping to obscenity.

"The alleged criminal act of kidnapping, physical violence against children and/or sexual abuse," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Tuesday, October 29.

There is an alleged criminal element of kidnapping because the perpetrator Indra Jaya has been carrying the victim since Sunday, October 27, evening. Moreover, the perpetrator's actions brought the girl without the knowledge of the two parents.

"Memampang peristiwa ini diduga ada pidananya. Korban dari mulai minggu malam dibawa dari rumah korban hingga Senin (28 Oktober)," sebutnya.

Meanwhile, for the element of violence against children or sexual abuse, said Ade, there was a confession from the girl.

In addition, referring to the actions of the perpetrator who brought sharp weapons while holding the victim at the police post.

"What is clear is that this case will be processed thoroughly because the victim is a child. The incident was also very bad, yes, it was brought and then there was an alleged obscene act, using a knife," said Ade.

Previously, it was reported that the hostage-taking carried out by Indra Jaya went viral on social media. The action was carried out at Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta (Jaksel), Monday, October 28, 2024, at 10.00 WIB.

In the video, the child who was the victim is seen screaming and crying for help. But residents can only watch.

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